When people start their own retail business, they know that they have to hire an accountant and lawyer. Often they forget that they have to hire a locksmith in Arlington to secure their business. It’s not until they notice cash or merchandise missing, that they realize that they have to do more than just lock the door each night.
Unfortunately employee theft is as common as shoplifters, so business owners have to work with locksmiths to install safes. Once the cash register contains a certain amount of money, the employees should put it in an envelop and drop it through a slot into the safe. |
This safe is actually called a drop safe. Only a person with a combination can take the money out. If more than one employee is in the store, the shop owner should require at least two of them to count it and initial it prior to putting it in the safe. This step alerts employees that the store owner is watching them. Therefore they are less likely to steal.
Local fire laws require that all shops have emergency exits. It can be frustrating when shoplifters use these to escape quickly with merchandise. Most of these exits are fitted with panic bars. In an emergency, people just slam up against them and the door opens. Business groups, who were getting hit with grab and go thefts, asked fire safety professionals to allow a short time period between the time a person hits the panic bar and the time the door opens. Therefore a locksmith can set a 5 second delay on the panic bar. When a thief hits it, an alarm goes off and the door doesn’t open. Often they panic themselves, drop the merchandise and run out the front door.
Theft can also occur in stock rooms. It’s good for the shop owner to know who has been in the room and when they were there. Those patterns make it easier to identify who was last in the room, before items went missing. locksmiths can install electronic readers that require employees to swipe a magnetic tape on their identification badge to gain entry. When an employee realizes that there is an electronic record of their movements, they know they can’t get away with stealing from the company.