Keeping Garage doors in MN Working Properly in the Winter

by | Sep 19, 2013 | Garage Doors

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Like a lot of mechanical parts in the home, garage doors can begin to wear out. No one wants the garage door to break down in the cold Minneapolis weather. The garage door is the heaviest piece of equipment in the house, so having an annual inspection can save a lot of trouble.An annual garage door inspection consists of many parts, but the most critical part is the torsion spring which is also the most dangerous part. When a non-professional attempts to work on the torsion spring they are risking serious injury and even their life. This part is key to raising and lowering the door, and the tension on the spring resulting from stretching it up to 40 feet can really do some some damage if it gets out of control. It is appropriate to oil the control ends with a high quality lubrication made for this purpose. Also, oiling the width of the spring’s surface is a good idea.

The Garage doors in MN have several other parts that require inspection. The tracks that the door rollers use should be straightened and the side properly curved to hold the rollers on the track. The rollers should be lubricated at the proper points so that they do not bind. Checking the rollers for rust and wear is also necessary since nylon rollers can wear out.

The hinges need to be securely fastened to the door, and the roller mounting brackets should also be securely fastened. The hinges at the bottom on either side of the door should be particularly examined for wear. However, a non-professional should never attempt to work on these roller hinges. The hinges at the top of each track just before the track curves backward should be examined for the proper fastening.

The tracks can get out of alignment very easily, and they should be realigned so the door operates efficiently with less stress on the motor.

The motor may require oiling depending on the brand of motor, but a professional door repair person can determine if and where the oil ports are located. The drive chain that the motor uses to actuate the door needs cleaning and lubricating with a special lubricate made for garage doors.

The life of a garage door can be doubled with this maintenance program performed by a highly qualified technician.

If a new door is warranted, there are over 5,000 to select from.