2 New Methods of Training Employees and the Technology Each Method Uses

by | Sep 23, 2020 | Consulting

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Technology has made every aspect of life like work, commuting, and shopping more convenient than ever. It has also provided an avenue for new ways to learn new skills. Perhaps you are a growing organization and need help developing your L&D or training and development department. Maybe you are an established business but need help training new employees. Here are 2 new methods of training you should consider utilizing and the technology each method uses.

Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Virtual Instructor-Led Training or vILT is a new effective method of training and is a method you should include when developing your training and development department. As its name suggests, this new way of training or teaching utilizes technology like cameras, microphones, and computers to train or teach an employee new skills without having to set foot inside a physical classroom environment.

Training Via Augmented Reality

Another new effective method of training employees is through augmented reality technology. This type of training allows an employee to overlay concepts onto the real world. Training via augmented reality utilizes mobile devices with state-of-the-art software to effectively train and teach the necessary skills for your employees to perform optimally and efficiently.

Innovative Training

Perhaps you are now searching for a company that offers these types of Elearning development tools to help you develop your L&D department when training new and current employees. Visit the professionals at their website. They offer a variety of Elearning development tools like vILT, augmented reality, virtual reality, gamification, and more. So, when searching for a highly innovative and experienced company that understands your company’s training needs, they are the ones you should visit.