Facing foreclosure on your home can be a frightening experience, and you may be wondering where to turn and what to do if you’re facing this desperate scenario. If you want to salvage the situation to the best of your abilities, there are certain things you should never do if you’re facing Foreclosure in Woodbury, MN. Keep reading to learn what you should avoid at all costs, and contact Lamey Law Firm P.A. for professional legal council on what your next steps should be.
Don’t Hesitate to Contact an Attorney
Foreclosure laws and procedures can be mind-boggling and complex, and an experienced attorney can be a trusted guide to help you navigate all the red tape. If foreclosure on your home is looming, don’t hesitate to contact a qualified attorney. The longer you wait, the less likely that your lawyer will be able to help you avoid worst-case-scenarios.
Don’t Ignore Your Mortgage Lender
Often, when homeowners fall behind on their mortgage payments their first instinct is to avoid letters and phone calls. If you’re ashamed or afraid, you need to realize that avoiding the inevitable can only make your situation worse. In some cases, your mortgage lender may be willing to work with you to arrange a payment schedule so you can avoid foreclosure–but only if you answer the phone. This is especially true if you’ve never fallen behind on payments before. You could be pleasantly surprised just how helpful a lender can be in getting you back on your feet.
Don’t Avoid Financial Counseling
If you’re unable to pay your mortgage because you’re in over your head with debt, don’t hesitate to work with a financial counselor. Not only can a certified counselor offer financial planning that can help you remedy your situation, but they will often also speak on your behalf to banks and financial lenders. Usually, if your mortgage lender sees that you’re making a genuine effort to make good on your payments, they will be more likely to delay foreclosure proceedings or work with you on a payment plan. The government offers free financial advising for homeowners facing foreclosure through their Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Facing foreclosure can be a scary prospect. Luckily, there are several ways to better your chances of keeping your home and regaining control over your finances. Keep the things you should never do in mind, and contact an attorney for further advice. Click here for more information.