3 Tips to Make Your Recycling Practices More Eco-Friendly in Eugene

by | Jan 24, 2022 | Recycling Center

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Even if you have been recycling your waste for a while, you might not realize that there are practices you should change. Most people know very little about the recycling process, which means they may not realize that some practices do more harm than good. By learning more about these processes, you can ensure your recycling pick up in Eugene is more effective and eco-friendly.

Skip the Small Items

Plastic items that are any smaller than a credit card should not be included with your recyclable plastics. This includes straws, plastic bottle caps, and similar products. The reason these items shouldn’t be recycled is that the machines used in the recycling process can’t handle small items. The machines get jammed, and that causes the process to stall.

Always Clean Recyclables

Before throwing any plastic container in with recyclables, be sure to clean the container or wrapping. Leftover food particles are also responsible for jamming the equipment. For this reason, machine attendants who find dirty or unwashed containers will remove them from the line and send them to the landfill. More of your plastics will get recycled if you take the time to clean them.

Keep Them Separate

While plastic, paper, and glass can all be recycled, each material goes through a different process. For this reason, you shouldn’t recycle products that use two more distinct materials. For example, paper soup cups that are laminated with a plastic coating should be thrown in the trash. Be sure you don’t have any mixed materials in your bins before setting them out for recycling pick up in Eugene.

You can learn how to start recycling more of your waste when you visit Business Name online at Website URL.