One of the best ways to keep your monthly premiums down is by shopping for the best rates among auto insurance companies in Denver, CO. In addition, there are several things you can do to lower the premiums you’ll be required to pay to any provider. Here are a few common methods that can save you money instantly and over a long period of time.
Improve Your Credit Score Most people may not realize that their credit score affects how much their auto insurance company charges them for coverage. Fortunately, you can boost your score in just a few months. By ensuring you make all of you minimum monthly payments on time, paying down your debt, and using your credit cards wisely, you can raise you score in a short time.
Take a Defensive Driving Course You can earn up to a 10% discount on your auto insurance by taking a defensive driving course. Before signing up for any course, contact your insurance company. They may have a list of approved courses, and they may offer suggestions for getting a bigger discount.
Increase Your Deductibles When you request quotes from auto insurance companies in Denver, CO, pay attention to the deductibles. By adjusting the deductible you’ll be required to pay, you can change the cost of coverage. It also means you’ll be responsible for covering those deductibles out of pocket before your coverage kicks in. For example, changing your auto glass deductible from $250 to $500 means you’ll have to spend $500 on your auto glass repairs before you can file a claim.
You can explore your options for auto coverage when you contact The Thompson Group today.