5 Facts Before You Shop for Auto Insurance

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Auto, Auto Insurance Agency, Insurance Agency, Insurance Company

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Shopping for a car also means buying insurance. Here are a few helpful facts to know before you pick an auto insurance plan or firm in Tampa.

Your age is a factor

The younger you are, the higher your premiums are. That’s because of the high statistical rate of teen drivers getting into a car accident or dying from one. Older drivers, those beyond sixty years of age, can also expect higher premiums.

Good credit helps

A good credit score can help you score great auto insurance rates in Tampa. A good credit score tags you as a non-risk borrower, so insurance companies will be more than happy to give you an excellent rate. Poor credit scores, though, will mean higher interest rates. You may want to strengthen your credit score before you think about buying a car and paying for car insurance costs.

Bad driving habits affect you

If you like to drive like a daredevil on the road and you have a ton of traffic tickets to prove it, then that could affect your insurance rate. Tickets mean you’re a high-risk borrower, so you’ll likely end up with a rate that’s higher than the average, the U.S. News says. If you want to save up on costs, change your driving habits.
Don’t go for the minimum

The minimum amount in your policy won’t be enough to cover the costs if you end up in an accident. That’s why it’s best that you pick an amount that’s comfortable for you but is still more than the minimum.

Raise your deductible

This is the amount you pay out of your pocket before the insurance company steps in. While raising your deductibles can lower your monthly premiums, make sure you don’t raise it too high that you won’t be able to pay it if the time comes.