5 Situations When You Will Want to Retain a Business Litigation Attorney

by | Aug 5, 2019 | Law

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Cook County has thousands of small to medium-size business scattered throughout it. Like people, each of those businesses has its own individual needs. Having experienced and effective business litigation lawyers in Chicago is important to any company. Their representation of your business might be for purposes of advice and counsel. They might also represent your business as a plaintiff defendant. Here are just a few situations when you’ll want to retain a business litigation attorney.


When you think that you might have a meeting of the minds with another party, you’ll want that understanding reduced to writing. A properly drafted contract will operate to protect your understanding and legal interests.

Breach of Contract

When you’re in privity of contract with another business, and it can’t hold up its part of the deal, a business litigation law firm can help mitigate your losses. Those might not be limited to financial losses, either. The good name of your company might be affected.

Protection from Lawsuits

Litigation is almost a certainty when you’re in business. Your success might avail you to opportunists. You’ll want to protect yourself from individuals or entities that want to take advantage of your hard work and successful efforts.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Many commercial agreements require arbitration in front of one or more arbitrators. Arbitration might even be binding with no access to the courts for further relief. Thorough and meticulous preparation for arbitration by a business litigation lawyer is as important as preparation for a trial in a court of law.

Litigation as Opposed to Settlement

There is always risk involved in litigation. A full and complete factual evaluation of whether litigation operates in your company’s best interests will be needed. A seasoned business litigation attorney can participate in that evaluation, so you can make an informed decision on whether to litigate or settle.

If business litigation might be on the horizon, you need to file a lawsuit or a lawsuit has been filed against your company, you can arrange for a free consultation by contacting the business litigation lawyers in Chicago at the Zimmerman Law Offices today.