Damage can occur in your teeth in many different ways. Depending on the degree of damage, your tooth could become unstable and prone to further damage. Often, when this happens, the dentist will make the decision to remove your tooth, so there is no risk for further problems. Since most people do not want to lose a tooth, there is a treatment option that can prevent the need for an extraction. Through the dentists Wichita KS, your tooth can be covered with a crown, so it is fully protected and its appearance is improved.
How are Crowns Placed Over Your Teeth?
Before your crown can be created, the dentists Wichita KS will need to make an impression of your tooth. This will be sent to the dental lab, so they can create the perfect crown for your tooth. Crowns are individually made and can cover any type of tooth. They are made from resin, porcelain, stainless steel and some types of metal alloys. For those who want the strongest option, metal alloys are a good choice. You will most likely wear a plastic crown over your tooth until your created crown comes back from the lab.
To place the crown over your tooth, the dentist will first need to make some alterations. This involves removing the damaged portions of your tooth, so it is not prone to further damage. By making your tooth smaller and rounder, it will be able to fit in nicely inside the crown. Once your tooth has been prepared, the dentist will adhere the crown over your tooth, with a quick-curing dental cement. This makes the crown become a permanent part of your tooth, so it can continue to offer protection for many years.
If your tooth has become damaged, through decay, infection or injury, a crown can cover and protect it. For more information on this procedure, visit eastwichitadentist.com. They will be glad to provide you with the best in dental care procedures, so any oral health issues you have can be treated. Contact them today and schedule an appointment for a consultation, so they can help you to achieve a healthier and more beautiful smile.