You Cannot Fell Your Own Lumber In Laguna Niguel CA

by | May 27, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

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Laguna Niguel is named for its lagoon and a Juaneño Indian village that used to be in the locality; when residential development started in 1959, it was amongst the first master planned communities in California. However, by that time, the days of settlers clearing trees off their land in order to obtain the lumber for their house construction were long gone and all the required wood had to be sourced from a suitable lumber yard in Laguna Niguel or nearby.

Hardwood Or Softwood

Lumber is a loose collective term for just about any wood from any tree but the term is specifically applied to the wood coming out of a sawmill; i.e.:- after the felled tree has been sawn into boards or planks. The lumber may be supplied in the rough edged condition; exactly as it was sawn; or, with the edges smoothed on any or all of its four sides. Since frame housing is still the most common form of construction for residential houses; much of the sawn lumber goes to the construction industry; this is usually in the form of soft woods such as pine, spruce, fir or cedar because such woods are generally of lower cost than the so called hardwoods which are more likely to be used for furniture making or internal finishings such as floors, doors or window frames. Most Lumber In Laguna Niguel is supplied in standard dimensions relative to width and thickness (lengths may vary). The terminology is approximate so a 2 by 4 is not exactly 2 inches thick by 4 inches wide (it is actually 1½ inch x 3½ inch) the standards for softwoods are different from those for hardwoods.

The terms softwood and hardwood do not directly refer to the actual hardness of the wood; but, more to the type of tree from which the wood was cut. Wood from trees of the botanical genus non- monocotyledon angiosperm are the hardwoods (strangely enough, balsa wood is in this classification; even though it is extremely soft and light in weight). The classifications are basically derived from the way in which the tree grows its seeds or nuts. Softwoods are from the gymnosperm family of trees (which includes pine).

Doors, Cabinets, Mouldings, Etc.

Straight from the tree; most wood does not have the color that we expect to see in our household furniture and wooden fittings; the colors are stained into the wood using modern techniques based on the old French polishing which was done by hand. The coloring process takes special care to enhance the woods natural appearance in respect of grain and other features. Hardwoods such as Alder, Birch, Cherry, Mahogany, Maple, Oak, Poplar, and Teak are widely used for domestic fittings made from the Lumber In Laguna Niguel CA.

Capistrano Hardwoods in Orange County have been supplying Lumber To Laguna Niguel CA for more than 21 years. Visit their showrooms or browse their website at  to find out more.