Your loved one loved their country. Giving them a proper burial with Veteran service in Woodland CA would be appropriate to honor their memory. No matter what division of the military they were in or what their rank was, their service to their country deserves to be recognized. Whether you choose a formal or informal funeral, an experienced funeral home can help you complete the necessary paperwork for veteran’s burial benefits through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. An experienced funeral home will be able to explain to you how to apply for the proper benefits.
A funeral director who is experienced in Veteran services in Woodland CA can help you get the military flag your loved one should have and notify help you file all of the necessary paperwork as well as the notification of their death. Making funeral arrangements for your loved one can be very difficult emotionally; but with an experienced funeral home they will help to ease your anxiety and answer all of your questions. A friendly and experienced staff will help make the process as easy as possible for you and your family.
A veteran may be eligible for a funeral benefit if:
1. They paid for a veteran’s burial or funeral services.
2. They were not reimbursed by any other agency.
3. They did not have a dishonorable discharge.
They also should have been receiving a veteran’s pension or disability payment. If they were not on receiving either of those, they should have passed away because of a disability they received during service. Another criteria that could have been met is if they were eligible to receive disability or retirement and chose not to or they passed away in a veteran’s hospital.
Trying to maneuver through the criteria alone can be difficult. A funeral home that has experience with all of the criteria can make this easier. Honor your loved one with the type of service they deserve. Hire a funeral home that is familiar with veteran services and with completing all of the paperwork to get the benefits your loved one deserves. Their service to their country is worth being honored.