No amount of money will bring back your loved one. When the loss is due to another’s negligence, the burden is even more crushing. One burden that can be relieved to some extent is that caused by all of the expenses that are associated with the death. If the person who was lost was the primary support of the family, the financial hardship can be devastating.
What is a Wrongful Death Claim?
The key point in a wrongful death claim is that another person, company and/or governmental agency is legally at fault for the death. They may have acted negligently or intentionally. There may be a criminal case filed by the state that will come before a criminal court and that may involve jail time. A wrongful death case is a civil case seeking money damages and can be filed even if there is also a criminal case.
Who is Entitled to Sue for Wrongful Death?
The executor of the estate is usually the person who files the lawsuit on behalf of the survivors. Those people who were damaged by the death are known as the “real parties in interest”. Normally that would refer to the immediate family, the spouse, children or stepchildren. If the deceased person was had no spouse, a state registered domestic partner, parents or siblings may be able to bring the lawsuit. To know more, click here.
Who Can be Sued?
Many wrongful death lawsuits are brought against multiple parties. For example, suppose that the brakes fail on a truck that then crashes into another vehicle. The true cause(s) of the accident would have to be determined. Were the brakes defective? Was maintenance on the truck overdue? Was the driver speeding or otherwise not in complete control of the truck? Was the truck overloaded? Did road conditions play a part? The sooner that a Wrongful Death Lawyer Spokane Valley is able to investigate the accident, the better it will be for the survivor’s case.
Cooney Law Offices has been assisting those who are suffering from the wrongful death of a loved one for over 25 years. Survivors may be able to receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages and earning potential, pain and suffering and funeral expenses. Contact an experienced Wrongful Death Lawyer Spokane Valley WA for the assistance you need at this time.