Septic Tanks in Bonney Lake, WA Must Be Maintained Properly

by | May 24, 2013 | Materials and Supplies

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A well-functioning septic system is necessary for any home not connected to a public sewer. It takes all of the effluent from the toilets, washing machines, showers and sinks out to the septic tank through a series of pipes. Once it enters the septic tank the solids sink to the bottom. Some of the liquids remain as water and the others form a scum along the top. The top two layers eventually leave the tank through a series of perforated pipes. These pipes distribute the liquids throughout the treatment field. As the liquids leach through the field they are cleansed. Eventually they leave the field and join the earth and groundwater table. Because of this connection to the groundwater, it’s important that Septic Tanks Bonney Lake area be maintained properly.

Septic tanks work properly when the bacteria in them process the sewage and other waste. Homeowners have to be careful not to upset the balance of bacteria within their septic system. Something as simple as using too much bleach can kill off a lot of bacteria. So if a homeowner uses bleach in the wash one day, it’s a good idea to wait a few days before using bleach again. However, it’s not a good idea for a homeowner to do all of their laundry on one day. It can put too much water into the septic system at one time. This is the primary way that homeowners damage their treatment field.

Regular maintenance is very important for Septic Tanks in Bonney Lake region. Homeowners should partner with a septic system company to understand how to properly maintain their system. They can advise the homeowner how often they should pump out their septic tank. If a homeowner fails to pump out the system as needed, the sludge at the bottom of the tank becomes so deep that it rises high enough to exit through the pipes intended for the liquid effluent. This can ruin the pipes and the treatment field. If this happens, the homeowner faces costly repairs. It might be necessary to replace both the pipes and the treatment field.