The Importance of Mold Testing in San Francisco

by | Jun 10, 2015 | Home Improvement Services

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1. Nummular Eczema

Nummular eczema is a skin condition caused by exposure to mold and/or mildew. This type of eczema is usually characterized by large lesions about the size of a coin. These lesions appear on the arms and legs, but can move towards the chest and stomach. The sores will itch as well as ooze pus. They will also likely scab over. The skin around the lesions will likely become inflamed, itchy, and sore. This is one of the more rare symptoms of exposure but also one of the most painful.

2. Dyshidrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema is a fairly rare condition, but is still possible to experience when exposed to mold in the home. This allergic reaction to mold is characterized by small bumps that itch, blisters, and cracked skin on the palms and hands. Warm temperatures exacerbate these symptoms. Mold testing in San Francisco or similar climates is especially important due to the dangers of warm temperatures. These symptoms also get worse during the night.

3. Asthma

Asthma is a disease causing inflammation of the airways such as the nose, lungs, throat, and sinuses. This inflammation creates serious difficulty breathing. A sufferer might feel as if he or she is suffocating. Mold exposure can cause asthma, especially in those who are prone to asthma or allergic reactions to other substances. For those who suffer already from the effects of asthma, mold can exacerbate the severity of the disease.

4. Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions to mold are probably the most common responses to mold exposure. Even those who do not normally suffer allergic reactions can develop a sensitivity to mold. Mold testing your house can determine if your symptoms are related to mold. Allergic reaction symptoms are usually burning or itchy eyes, watery eyes, runny nose, sinus pressure, headaches, ear aches, and fatigue. Any of these symptoms might mean you are suffering from unseen allergies.

5. Mood Disorders

The previously stated physical conditions are usually the most common reactions to mold exposure. However, they are not the only symptoms of repeated exposure. Depression and anxiety can also result from exposure to mild and/or mildew. If you find yourself feeling depressed without cause or unduly anxious without being able to determine what you are anxious about, you might be suffering from mold exposure. Mold testing your home is the only way to know for sure if your problems are actually being caused by fungus in your house.

6. Pet Dangers

All of these symptoms can be disruptive and painful for you. They might even disrupt your life. However, chances are, your pets are smaller than you are. Also, your pet probably spends more time in your house than you do. If you expose your dog or cat to mold for extended periods of time, it will likely get sick before you do.