Legal aid coverage that appears in many car insurance policies will cover the costs of a lawyer in case a driver needs it. The limit of this coverage is agreed at the time of contracting the policy. Moreover, when a customer suffers a car accident and needs a lawyer, insurance companies try to impose a lawyer on the driver. This allows the insurance company to control the entire process from the start. This is where some doubt arises: What should you do: hire your own Serious Injury Lawyer in Olympia or take what the insurance company gives you?
In favor of hiring a lawyer
Except when you are responsible for the accident, you should always try and claim compensation for an accident. To do so properly, agree to hire a private and independent Serious Injury Lawyer in Olympia. This particularly independent lawyer ensures that they work for you and will fight for your interests only. The lawyer of the insurance company, for its part, does not work for the claimant, but for the insurer. You should contact Sadler Ladenburg in Olympia for more information and help.
Even though a driver is a customer of the insurance company, its mission is to make sure you do not get the maximum compensation. This makes the end result beneficial or detrimental to the company. Sometimes, due to agreements between the various insurance companies, it may happen that the interests of the insured, your interests and those of the injured, are different from your insurer, with consequent damage to you.
Why hire a lawyer?
Moreover, the argument that a Serious Injury Lawyer in Olympia is expensive needs to be quickly refuted. First, most insurance includes coverage for legal assistance, so that much of the costs of the lawyer will be covered, and sometimes all of them. Second, several reputable lawyers offer clients the option to be paid at the end of the process and only a percentage of the compensation that has previously been agreed. If you are in dire need of an attorney, you should contact Sadler Ladenburg in Olympia or browse the website today. These professionals will ensure you get the compensation you deserve.