How to Get Help From a DUI Lawyer in Warwick

by | Aug 21, 2013 | Law

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When you are faced with DUI charges, it can be an overwhelming experience. You may feel that you are in over your head and that there is no way out. It is important for you to understand that you do have rights. Even though you have broken the law, you are still entitled to legal representation.

When you have been released or are making your phone call from jail, it is important that you use that call to contact the DUI Lawyer in Warwick. You should avoid making any statements or speaking with the officers. In doing so, you could be forfeiting your rights of waiting on your attorney to be present before you are questioned.

When meeting with your DUI Charges in Warwick, it is vital that you are upfront and honest, throughout the entire process. The more information you can provide to your attorney, the better equipped he or she will be in providing you with representation against your charges. Though no case can ever be offered a guarantee, it can greatly help to have a lawyer on your side.

Throughout the case, it is important that you follow your lawyer’s guidance. He or she will be working in your best interest and will help you as much as possible in your case. You can do your part by attending your appointments on time and getting assistance with your drug or alcohol issue. This will help your case tremendously and show the judge that you are serious about changing your life.

When your case heads to court, the DUI Lawyer in Warwick will work to either get your case continued or prepare for the court proceedings. The lawyer will work to get the least amount of punishment possible in your case, but it will be up to the judge to make the final decision on what you are given as a sentence.

When facing DUI charges, you do not have to face them alone. Contact a DUI Lawyer in Warwick and get the help that you need in your case. This will allow you to focus on changing your life and having a better future.