The Dentists in Edmonton Can Save Your Tooth With a Root Canal Procedure

by | Oct 13, 2015 | Dentistry

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At the mention of the words root canal, some people become instantly nervous simply because they have heard of fallacious rumors regarding this treatment. In reality, a root canal is not a tortuous procedure; it is simply a treatment that can be carried out to help prevent the loss of a tooth. Most people who have the procedure carried out liken it to the discomfort of having a tooth pulled. Those who are in need of a root canal should read through this information, provided by the Dentists Katy.

A root canal is carried out under the aid of a local anesthetic so no pain is felt during or immediately after the procedure. Once the procedure has been completed and feeling begins to return, there may be some soreness for a couple of days, but root canals rarely cause any major discomfort.

The start of the procedure involves the dentist making an opening in the top of the crown. This opening will allow the dentist to clean the tooth inside and remove all of the soft pulp, infection, and decay. The inside of the canals of the root are scraped clean with special canal files and then the tooth is rinsed to ensure all debris has been removed.

Once the tooth has been cleaned, the dentist will fill the tooth with a special material called gutta percha. This material is slightly flexible and spongy once it is cured so it is able to mimic the soft tissues of the tooth that were removed. Filling the tooth with gutta percha helps to ensure the tooth will be able to contract and expand with changes in temperature without causing damage.

On top of the gutta percha is placed a special sealant material that quickly hardens and provides a shell-like protection to keep the tooth strong during chewing and biting down. In some cases, dentists will also place crowns over the teeth to further protect them.

If you are ready to have your Root Canal Gaithersburg procedure carried out, visit This site is full of information on the many dental services they offer. Contact them today and schedule a consultation so they can serve your needs. Click here for more details.