There is no doubt that anyone interested in buying a residential property should consult with a Real Estate Lawyer in Mahopac NY before making any commitment. Doing so will go a long way in making sure the client is not in for some unpleasant surprises down the road. Here are some examples of what the lawyer will do in order to protect the interests of the client.
Checking the Title History
One of the first things the Real Estate Lawyer in Mahopac NY will want to do is research the history of the property. This includes tracing back and reviewing the terms of each sale over the years. The goal is to make sure there is not conflicting information regarding the location of property lines or any question about the clarity of the current title. By making sure there are not any factors that could lead to conflicts with neighbors or pave the way for someone form years past to claim rights to the property, the buyer can submit a bid with full confidence.
Reviewing the Terms of the Sale
As part of the discussion with the current owner, certain provisions and verbal commitments were made. It is in the best interests of the client to ensure the outcome of those discussions are included in the sale contract terms. The goal is to make sure there is documentation that confirms exactly what sort of commitment the buyer and the seller is making as part of the deal. Having it in writing that the seller will replace the roof within a year of the sale will mean the buyer does not end up shouldering the cost later on.
For anyone who is thinking about purchasing any type of real estate, Click Here and arrange to consult with a lawyer before making any decisions. Doing so will make it possible to find out exactly what the status of the property happens to be, and ensure that there is nothing in the sales documents that could cause problems for the client later on. Once everything is checked and the buyer is satisfied, the deal can move forward.