Two Ways to Naturally Remove Pet Stains From Carpet

by | Nov 4, 2015 | Home and Garden

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Pet stains on a carpet can be quite difficult to get out. While many commercialized cleaners do the trick, these cleaners contain chemicals that can be hazardous. They also can be toxic when inhaled and can cause allergic reactions. Instead, try these two all-natural alternatives to remove pet stains from Carpet.

Citrus and Enzyme Cleaner

Many commercialized carpet cleaners contain enzymes. These enzymes are known to break down stains on a molecular level. The enzymes also break down odors on a molecular level. In order to make a homemade and all-natural citrus and enzyme cleaner, prepare a mason jar with one liter of water and seven tablespoons of brown sugar. From there, add a cup and a half of either lemon or orange peels. You can add both if you choose. Place the lid tightly on the jar and allow the jar to sit for about three hours before using. To use the cleaner, simply pour the mixture in a spray bottle and spray the affected area. Blot with a dry rag and allow the area to air-dry.

Baking Soda and Vinegar Cleaner

Baking soda is known as nature’s best odor remover. Vinegar is known as a cleanser that can get rid of even the oldest of stains. Put the two together and you have a wonderful pet stain remover. In order to make this all-natural cleaner, simply pour two cups of distilled vinegar, two cups of warm water, and five tablespoons of baking soda into a spray bottle. Place the lid tightly on the bottle and give the bottle a shaking. From there, thoroughly spray the affected stained area with the mixture. Allow the mixture to sit on the stain for about an hour. Once an hour has passed, use a soft cloth to either rub the stain away or to blot it. Do not be surprised if the mixture begins to fizz while it is on the carpet. This is a natural chemical reaction.

The two tips above are all-natural ways to remove pet stains from Carpet. For a wide selection and variety of great carpets, visit the Carpet Discount Warehouse.