What Should You Do When You are the Victim of a Car Accident in Hattiesburg MS?

by | Nov 4, 2015 | Lawyers and Law Firm

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People become the victim of car accidents every minute of the day. It is rare for a person to have never been involved in an accident since one out of four people becomes a victim. Though many accidents are minor and only leave dents and scratches, some can cause life-threatening injuries and even death. When a person becomes the victim of a Car Accident in Hattiesburg MS, it is important they know what steps they need to take so they can protect their rights.

Just after a Car Accident in Hattiesburg MS, reporting the accident is crucial. Police will typically respond to any accident calls where injuries resulted. A police report should be filed since it will provide the responding officer’s assessment of the accident scene and the probable reason for the accident. This report can prove vital in working with the insurance company or pursuing a claim in court.

One of the biggest mistakes injured people make is not seeking medical care right away. Medical care not only ensures there are no life-threatening injuries, but it can also serve as substantial evidence for proving injuries occurred because of the Car Accident in Hattiesburg MS. One of the first things a lawyer or an insurance adjuster will want to see is medical records.

Though not every car accident requires a person to hire an attorney, it behooves an injured victim to seek legal help. It is especially important for one to hire a lawyer when they feel they are being given the runaround by the insurance company or they have severe injuries and damages that are not being given fair compensation offers.

Working with a lawyer can allow an injured victim to have an advocate protecting their rights and interests. With a lawyer, a person stands a greater chance of receiving a fair compensation settlement than they would trying to pursue a case alone.

If you have been seriously injured because of a careless or drunk driver, contact a DUI attorney at T. Michael Reed. He will work with you on your case to fight for your rights and help you to be granted the fair compensation the law says you are entitled to. Visit here for more details.