The idea of having a tooth pulled is not exactly exciting, but for many people the procedure will bring about a lot of relief. There is sometimes concern about what to expect once an extraction does take place. Here are some examples of what people are likely to notice in the days following Routine Extractions in Austin TX.
Bleeding After the Extraction
It should come as no surprise that there will be some bleeding after a tooth is extracted. In most cases, the area will be packed as a way of staunching the flow of blood. This allows coagulation to take place and slow the bleeding. Many people notice that within hours of the extraction, the flow of blood has stopped completely. At that point, it is possible to remove the packing.
Tenderness for a Few Days
There is no doubt that tenderness is part of the aftermath of all Routine Extractions in Austin TX. The empty socket is left open and somewhat vulnerable. It will take a few days for the tissue to toughen. In the meantime, the patient will need to be mindful of avoiding anything that could cause irritation and trigger more bleeding. That includes consuming harder foods or even drinking anything that is a little too warm or too cold. Once the tenderness has faded, it will be easier to eat and drink without having to worry about any irritation.
Since an extraction is a somewhat invasive procedure, expect some swelling during the first day and maybe the day following. The application of a cold compress to the cheek will often help ease the swelling. In addition, the dentist may recommend an over the counter pain reliever that will not thin the blood. Using it according to instructions will also help minimize the swelling and also keep the soreness to a minimum.
For anyone who has a tooth that needs to go, contact Stevan A Koprivnik DDS PC and arrange for an appointment. Once it is determined that the tooth cannot be saved, and it does need to come out, the process can get underway at once. While the next few hours may be a little uncomfortable, rest assured that dealing with the aftermath will be easy compared to the pain the patient felt before the extraction took place.