The Many Benefits of Compost in Connecticut

by | Dec 8, 2015 | Compost

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Composting is the process by which nature recycles organic materials. Anything that once lived decomposes or breaks after death. Invisible to the naked eye, microorganisms like fungi and bacteria break down all forms of organic material. Organic material typically used for compost include straw, hay, grass clippings, silage, trees or leaves. During the composting process, the heat rises to temperatures high enough to kill weed seeds and most disease-causing organisms. Incorporating Compost in Connecticut into the soil, garden beds and flower beds greatly improves the soil conditions.

The types of compost typically encountered by homeowners is the result of backyard composting, worm composting or vermicomposting, and, grass and leave recycling. A yard full fallen leaves, straw, or grass clippings are all one needs to make rich compost. Worm composting is ideal for folks with little or no yard (apartment dwellers). Grass clippings can be left on the lawn to break down.

Commercial compost available through landscape supply companies like Dunning Sand & Gravel are produced by one of three methods -; windrows, aerated chambers or aerated static bins and piles. For high volume composting windrows and aerated static piles are the preferred methods. For home composting or small volume aerated chambers or bins are ideally suited. Windrows are large hills of organic material that range from 3 to 5 feet in height and 10 or more feet wide. Windrows must be turned occasionally to allow oxygen access to the center as the microorganisms require oxygen. The entire composting process takes months to complete.

Thoroughly processed compost has a rich, earthy smell, is dark in color and has the look of coarse soil. One may still see bits of leaves and other matter but overall, it should be difficult to identify most of it. Commercial compost sold by Dunning Sand & Gravel has been screened to within 1/2 inch, separating out the non-biodegradable matter and larger particles.

Some of the many benefits of composting or adding compost to your soil include things like reducing pest problems and reducing dependence on pesticides plants thrive on compost, and they will look better, produce healthier vegetables or fruit, and have an increased ability to ward off disease and pests. Compost increases the soil’s ability to hold moisture, it improves both clay and sandy soils and balances the soil through the slow-release of nutrients.