Dental Care Granite in Quarry NC: The Importance of Protecting the Gums

by | Jan 11, 2016 | Dentistry

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Regular Dental Care Granite in Quarry NC and proper dental hygiene go quite a way in reducing the risk of oral disorders and disease; however, what many people don’t realize is that heredity also plays a role in overall oral health. Factors such as the shape of the jaws and proper tooth alignment are all determined by a person’s genes. The biological structure of a person’s gum tissue is also dependent on a person’s genes.

Besides the small variations in the structure of gum tissue, it can be categorized into two main types: thick or thin. This refers to the actual thickness of the gum tissue, as well as the underlying bone. The appearance of the tooth provides the best indication of the type of gums a person has. Those who have teeth that appear to be triangular shaped (often referred to as scalloped) have then gum tissue. A person who has teeth that appear square (flat) have thick gum tissue. People who are either African or European descent typically have thick gum tissue while those of Asian descent typically have thin or scalloped gums.

There is no type of gum tissue that is superior to the other. In fact, each of the types is susceptible to certain types of adverse conditions and diseases. For example, those who have thin gum tissue are more likely to face issues of receding gums. This can be the result of toothbrush abrasion and periodontal disease. When this occurs, the gum tissue starts to recede, which exposes more of the tooth surface that should be protected below the gum line.

Those who have thick gum tissue have a higher risk of developing a condition that is called ‘pocketing.’ This is when the tissue becomes inflamed due to dental plaque and detaches from the tooth, creating a small pocket.

Regardless of the type of tissue, a person has, proper gum care is essential to prevent these issues. The Dental Care Granite in Quarry NC they receive can help to prevent serious issues from arising. This will help to ensure the adverse effects are minimized and that the person’s teeth and gums remain healthy and problem free. More information can be found by visiting the website. You can also visit them on Twitter.