How To Prepare For A Tummy Tuck In Naperville

by | Aug 3, 2016 | Health

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Having a tummy tuck, or any form of cosmetic surgery, can be an incredibly empowering procedure. There is nothing quite like taking control over your appearance, and doing something positive for yourself to inspire more confidence and activity. In the months leading up to your surgery, there are a number of things you should do in order to make both the procedure and your recovery period afterwards easier. In addition to following your doctor’s advice, here are a few tips on how to prepare for a tummy tuck in Naperville.

Manage Expectations

Be sure to go into the surgery with realistic expectations about your results. In the weeks leading up to your procedure, take time to review before and after shots from the cosmetic surgeon you’re visiting. Speak candidly with him or her about your hopes for the procedure, and ask them about your anticipated results. Surgeons are highly skilled, but there are limits to the procedure. Ensuring that you have realistic expectations before you begin will go a long way to help you recover later.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Live a healthy lifestyle for a number of months before your procedure. Some clinics won’t treat patients who aren’t within a specified zone around their target weight, while others will encourage you to lose as much weight as you can through diet and exercise before you undergo your tummy tuck. Be sure to quit smoking at least six weeks before your surgery, and avoid “lose weight quick” diets in the time leading up to your procedure as well. Living well, including maintaining a good diet and exercise, will help you recover faster, and maintain the results longer.

Consider Emotional Impact

It isn’t uncommon for patients who receive tummy tucks to feel many emotional side effects after the procedure. There is a lot of focus on physical recovery, but not a lot on the emotions you may feel once you get home. Be prepared for low moods, as well as elevated ones, and have a trusted friend or loved one on hand who can help you navigate these moods as you recover.

For more information about preparing for your tummy tuck in Naperville, contact the Center For Cosmetic And Laser Surgery at