The focus of traditional dentistry is the prevention, diagnosing and treating numerous oral problems which affect the teeth, gums and oral cavity. Cosmetic dentistry on the other hand focuses of improving the appearance of teeth and enhancing the patients smile. Put differently; a general dentist addresses problems which require intervention and treatment while cosmetic dentists on Gold Coast Chicago provides elective treatments and dental services.
Trends in cosmetic dentistry
There has been much advancement in dental materials, the materials that are in common use by cosmetic dentists on Gold Coast Chicago are far more natural looking than in the past, making cosmetic dental enhancements more predictable in their outcome. Dentists are also employing new and revolutionary techniques which help to preserve more of the original tooth than what might have been possible in the past.
Treatments available:
Smile makeover: A smile makeover involves a comprehensive assessment of your smile and a determination of what cosmetic dental treatments need to be employed to improve it. Usually more than one treatment is required, this could be dental veneers, one or more implants, teeth whitening, gum sculpting or more.
Dental veneers: Dental veneers are thin laminates made from porcelain or composite material. The front of the teeth in question are prepared by removing a thin layer of enamel, the veneers are placed on the prepared teeth and fixed with a special adhesive. Dental veneers are ideal for covering chips and surface cracks in visible teeth; they also can be used to a certain extent to close gaps between teeth.
Implants: A dental implant is a replacement root. A small titanium pin or screw is placed in the jaw, once the implant integrates with the bone; the dentist places a crown on the top. The result is a replacement tooth that looks and acts identical to the tooth it replaces.
There are many options available for those patients who are unhappy with their appearance when they smile. Cosmetic dentists can work closely with you, providing those treatments that will beautify your smile and increase your confidence.