The Benefits You Will Enjoy When You Win Your Disability Case

by | May 10, 2017 | Law Services

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If you apply for Social Security disability benefits and you finally win your case you will receive a number of disability benefits in Libertyville.

* A monthly check
* A lump sum for past due benefits and
* Medicare

The monthly payments start immediately and you can expect your past due benefits to be paid quickly, there is however a waiting period for Medicare benefits.

Monthly payments:

During the application procedure you will have provided the Administration with a great deal of information on your work history and the amount of money that you have contributed over the years to Social Security through payroll deduction. The benefit amount that you are awarded is based on this criteria; work history and contributions.

Back payment:

As a claimant, you can expect a lump sum payment for past due benefits. Back pay starts on the date you initially applied and runs for up to 12 months after the application date. Whether you get a full 12 months back benefit or not depends on when you became disabled, this is the “disability onset date” and is not necessarily the same as your application date. As there is a five months waiting period, for you to receive a full year’s back payment your disability onset date must be at least 17 months back.

Medical benefits:

Two years after you have been declared eligible for disability benefits in Libertyville you will begin to receive Medicare benefits as well. This time frame is not based on when your application was approved; it is based on when your disability was deemed to have started.

With the backlog at Social Security being so long it is not unusual for an applicant to be granted benefits and Medicare at the same time.

Disability benefits in Libertyville can be a lifesaver for a person that is unable to earn a living. If you suffer from a disability and wish to apply for benefits you are invited to discuss your case with the attorneys at The Law Offices of Rabin, Kodner & Brown.