What are the Common Reasons For Mouth Pain?

by | Jun 5, 2017 | Dentist

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There are many reasons that can lead to Mouth Pain. Sometimes, this pain is caused by the foods a person eats and sometimes, the pain is of a more serious nature. While a mild pain that goes away quickly is generally nothing to be concerned about, ongoing pain in the mouth needs to be addressed by the dentist. With a thorough examination and possible X-rays, the dentist can discover the cause of the pain so the right treatment can be put into place for full relief.

* One of the most common causes of Mouth Pain is decay in the teeth. When the teeth become decayed, the outer protective layers begin to break down. This can end up leading to nerve exposure which can become very painful. Pain caused by decay in the teeth can range from mild to severe, depending on how damaged the teeth become.

* Mouth sores can also cause the inside of the mouth to become painful. When mouth ulcerations are widespread in the mouth, a person needs to make sure they see their dentist so the cause can be determined. In some cases, an underlying health condition is to blame.

* The jaws can also be a source of pain in the mouth. The jaw features a hinge joint that takes on all the brunt of pressure during chewing. Unfortunately, this joint can become worn over time, leading to dislocation and problems with normal movement. When these issues are occurring, a dentist may be able to help.

* Pain in the oral cavity can also arise from gum disease. When the gums are red, swollen, and tender, a person needs to see their dentist right away. Untreated gum disease can sometimes lead to massive tooth loss and should never be ignored.

If you are dealing with pain in your mouth that will not go away, it is important you call the dentist to schedule an appointment right away. The dentist will check your oral health to find the cause of your pain so the right treatment can be put in place.