While some states have become a lot laxer than in the past in terms of their attitudes regarding drug-related offenses, Texas is not one of them. Given strong support among both residents and politicians for a hard-liner attitude about drug crimes, police and prosecutors generally remain fairly aggressive.
Even if it might seem as if a drug-related arrest could be resolved simply and without much lasting harm, that often turns out not to be true at all. The best way of minimizing the damage for any local who confronts such a situation will always be to enlist the aid of a criminal defense attorney in Rockwall, TX.
Prosecutors Can Be Far Less Reasonable Than the Accused Sometimes Suppose
Most prosecutors in Texas are extremely ambitious people, and the best way of furthering a legal career for such a professional is to secure convictions. As a result, even a minor matter can turn out to be a lot more trouble for the accused than might originally have been supposed.
This can turn out to be the case even when the initial indications would seem to suggest otherwise, too. Some who are arrested and charged with drug-related crimes develop a sense of complacency along the way, coming to feel as if things will work themselves out in relatively innocuous fashion. That can easily prove to be a recipe for disaster, however, with long-lasting consequences of extremely negative kinds often following.
An Attorney Will Understand the Options and How to Resolve Things As Successfully As Possible
Consulting a criminal defense attorney in Rockwall, TX will inevitably improve the odds of an acceptable resolution to such matters. Simply speaking with an attorney like one of those at the Law Office of Tim Hartley will make it much clearer what a person’s realistic options might be.
Having an attorney actively representing an individual in criminal matters related to drugs will also make it far more likely that the prosecutor handling the case will become more amenable to negotiation. Click here and it will become clear that this will almost always be the best option for anyone who has been accused of drug crimes, especially in the state of Texas.