Central AC Service in Derby KS Can Be Essential for the Health and Well-Being of Senior Citizens

by | Jan 24, 2018 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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Senior citizens and elderly individuals are more vulnerable to serious health problems connected with excess heat, so central AC service in Derby KS may be essential for their well-being. A person who is age 65 or older is at increased risk, and that risk becomes significantly greater when dealing with certain health issues.

Health Issues

Elderly individuals don’t perspire as effectively as younger people do, and perspiration is important in the body’s efforts to stay cool. They may have poor circulation as well. In addition, certain illnesses tend to have worse symptoms in excessively warm temperatures. Multiple sclerosis is an example. Patients generally feel less coordinated, weaker and more fatigued when the temperature rises beyond a comfortable level.


Also, as people get older, they are more likely to require daily medication for chronic health issues. Some of those medications make them more susceptible to heat-related symptoms. For instance, drugs can have dehydrating effects, and the person taking them may not be drinking enough water throughout a warm day. Taking a diuretic to keep blood pressure regulated can result in dehydration if not enough fluids are consumed.


Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia can make it difficult for the person to realize the purpose of air conditioning or to comprehend physical discomfort due to heat. It’s imperative for family, friends or professional caregivers to check in on this individual when he or she is alone for most of the day. A call for central AC Service in Derby KS should be made if the system malfunctions.

The Need for Central Air

The weather in Kansas can get very hot in the summer. Sitting in front of a fan may help with comfort to a certain degree, but it’s no match for central air conditioning installed and serviced by a company such as Kelley & Dawson Service. By now, most houses throughout the country have central air, but some homeowners still hold out and insist it’s not needed. An elderly parent’s adult children may need to find a way to persuade Mom or Dad that central air is essential for their health and wellness. Check out our website today.