Learning Cremation Cost in San Diego CA in the Effort to Keep Expenses Low

by | Apr 13, 2018 | Cremation

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A dramatically increasing number of people are choosing cremation for deceased loved ones instead of a funeral with a casket and burial in a graveyard. When they compare Cremation Cost in San Diego CA with the expense of buying a casket and cemetery plot, along with paying for a funeral, they see that the difference is substantial. They can still have a beautiful memorial service instead of a funeral with visitation.

Unexpected Occurrences

Lower-priced options are appreciated when the death was unexpected, as the family may be unprepared financially. U.S. culture in general doesn’t like to think about death at all, although many senior citizens preplan and pay for their funeral or other memorial arrangements. Not everyone has life insurance to pay for a funeral either; it’s less common for single people with no children to carry this coverage.

Life Insurance

People commonly start thinking about life insurance once they have children. But if these policyholders die relatively young, they may only have a small amount of that insurance. The family may not want to spend the entire amount on after-death arrangements; they may need the extra money to get them through the next several months after losing a primary income earner.

Keeping Additional Expenses Low

In addition to paying the Cremation Cost in San Diego CA, there will be some other expenses if the family wants a memorial service. Those costs can be kept low, however. They might have a private service for family and close friends instead of a large gathering open to everyone. The reception could be held at their church or even at someone’s home. Some homemade sandwiches and baked goods can be the lunch. Depending on the family’s preferences and the way they’d like to honor the deceased loved one, they might serve wine and cheese if that was a favorite indulgence.

Average Cremation Costs

The average cost of cremation currently is about $3,000, according to the Cremation Society of North America. However, it’s likely to be higher than this in the San Diego area. Family members who must make arrangements may contact an organization such as Cremation Society for information.