Cremation Services Around Orange City FL provide a significant cost savings over the choice of burial in a graveyard or interment in a mausoleum. Interment is essentially considered burial above ground, even if this seems like a misnomer. Especially when the family does not decide to have preparations for displaying the deceased loved one at a visitation gathering before cremation, the savings are even greater.
Abiding by the Loved One’s Wishes
Sometimes a family feels they have little choice. Their loved one had already specified a distinct preference for cremation and memorial services instead of extravagant funerals. This may have simply been commentary during general discussions, or the loved one may have preplanned the arrangement ahead of time with a local funeral home. If no preplanning had been done, the person may have made it clear to the spouse or other closest relative what should be done at the time of passing.
Dealing With a Lack of Funds
A lack of funds also can mean having to decide on cremation, even if the family is not entirely comfortable with the prospect. They may feel more reassured when they discover that more than half of the persons who pass away each year now are cremated instead of buried. Families increasingly are choosing Cremation Services Around Orange City FL for the cost savings and the preference for less formality. Some also feel it is better for the environment than sprawling graveyards taking up more and more land.
Deciding on a Container
No casket is needed for a direct cremation arranged by an organization such as Fourtowns Cremation Inc. The organization arranging the cremation is required by law to provide a container for the ashes. This can be as basic as a plastic bag inside a cardboard container or it can be a decorative urn. Sometimes relatives want to scatter the ashes and other times they want to keep the urn in a place of honor. It’s also possible for the ashes to be divided among relatives who can scatter or keep them as they see fit. Buying an urn from the funeral home is not required; the family can use different containers if they would like. You can also visit them on Google My Business.