Not all lawyers are the type you see in movies straight from Los Angeles. Just as in any other job, certain lawyers specialize in certain fields, be it in divorce, civil rights, corporate, or others. Before searching for an appropriate attorney, or even seeking out a career as one, it’s important to know the difference between all types of lawyers out there.
Entertainment Lawyer
Clients of entertainment attorneys include popular individuals such as singers or actors or large production companies and record agencies. They deal with issues regarding copyright and trademarks. In an interview with Above the Law, entertainment attorney Beth Bruns commented that “many entertainment attorneys have a personal interest in the industry, such as a love for music, television, theater or film, or may themselves be musicians or artists.”
Criminal Lawyer
A criminal attorney can either be a prosecutor or a defense attorney. The former represents the state, and the latter represents the accused. The Los Angeles’ Hollywood often follows the stories of a criminal attorney, which can be exciting as a murder case.
Personal Injury Lawyer
A personal injury lawyer differs from a criminal lawyer in that the state is not typically involved in the case. Clients who call on personal injury attorneys may have been victims of medical malpractice, a scam, or defamation. Because they cover a lot of ground, it might be tempting to call up a personal injury lawyer whenever anything negative occurs in your life that you can blame on someone else. However, according to Baumgartner Lawyers, often personal injury attorneys will not take a case if the injuries aren’t serious enough.
These are only three of many different types of attorneys. Others specializations include civil rights, patents, real estate, and government. The salary and costs of each type of lawyer vary as well. It’s important to know that though the law often seems straightforward, these types of lawyers are not interchangeable.