Normal socks and stockings are designed to simply keep your feet warm while providing a bit of style. Compression Stockings in Pittsburgh PA, however, offer more than just warmth. There are many people who can greatly benefit from wearing compression socks.
People with Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are unsightly veins that often appear on the legs, although they may form anywhere. Genetics, obesity, and certain health conditions may all contribute to the formation of varicose veins. Many doctors recommend their patients wear compression stockings as a less-invasive way to treat these bulging veins.
Those with varicose veins often notice swelling and pain throughout the day. Physical activity may increase these unwanted symptoms. Compression socks help to prevent blood from pooling in the legs. When worn regularly, compression stockings may reduce the size and appearance of some varicose veins.
After Surgery
Doctors always provide patients with a list of post-op instructions following surgery. Depending on the procedure, the patient may be at heightened risk for blood clots. If this is the case, the doctor may recommend the patient wears compression stockings in Pittsburgh PA.
Blood clots are very dangerous and, in some cases, even deadly. When worn correctly, compression garments help to prevent blood clots by improving circulation. This is especially helpful if mobility is limited following surgery. The socks should be worn until the patient is fully active again.
Pregnant Women
Pregnancy causes a surge of hormones in a woman’s body. Women also have increased blood flow due to the placenta and growing fetus. Both of these changes may cause swelling, also called edema, in a woman’s feet, ankles, and legs.
If the swelling is exceptionally noticeable or painful, a doctor may suggest wearing compression stockings during the day. These stockings help to prevent water retention in the legs and reduce swelling. Many pregnant women find compression garments improve their mobility, especially during the third trimester.
People who regularly struggle with edema in their legs and feet may benefit from wearing compression garments. McArdle Surgical carries a full range of compression stockings in a wide selection of styles and colors. Always check with your doctor before adding compression garments to your daily routine. You can also connect them on Facebook.