A Divorce Lawyer in De Pere, WI Represents Parents of Children With Special Needs

by | May 13, 2019 | Law Services

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A Divorce Lawyer in De Pere WI may be asked to represent a parent of a special-needs child. This man or woman may want to block the other parent’s efforts to set up a shared physical custody arrangement. With that type of custody, the child must typically move from one home to the other every few days.

Problems With Shared Custody

Shared custody can work well for most kids, but one with special needs and developmental disabilities may find it very difficult to adjust to the constant changes in residency. In addition, if the youngster has medical requirements, sharing custody may be problematic, especially if one of the parents works full time.

The Issue of Spousal Support

If one parent has been staying home with the child, he or she may hope to continue doing so. This would require spousal maintenance in addition to child support. The noncustodial parent may protest having to pay spousal maintenance on a long-term basis. A Divorce Lawyer in De Pere WI can represent clients on either side of this issue.

Family courts today typically discourage long-term spousal support unless there is a good reason the individual cannot work full time or be trained for an occupation that provides a living wage. In the case of a special-needs child who is still too young to attend public school with special education classes, the custodial parent may be granted this request.

The Possibility of SSI Benefits

Depending on the circumstances, the child may be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income benefits. This might allow the noncustodial parent an eventual end to paying spousal support. The court might set up spousal maintenance payments for one year and then review the situation after that.

A Parenting Plan

Lawyers with an organization such as Brabazon Law Office LLC can draw up a parenting plan that is acceptable to both parents. The noncustodial parent can be granted liberal visitation. The two divorcing spouses should put aside their differences so the noncustodial parent can frequently visit the child if this is best for the youngster. Information on this particular organization can be viewed at .