One of the things that business owners have to worry about is the corrosion of the metals that may be a part of their business’s structure. This will lead to the destruction of materials and may cost a considerable amount of money later if the corrosion is not handled or stopped. A restoration company offers Cathodic protection service in Chicago IL for business customers who are trying to avoid corrosion on their buildings’ metal parts. Here is a look at how cathodic protection works.
How Cathodic Protection Works For Business Customers
Cathodic protection services are offered to customers to protect pipelines, storage tanks that are underwater, ship hulls, piers, water treatment plants, and other structures or components that may be exposed to water and rust. The cathodic process connects the base metal to another metal that will be used as a sacrificial metal, which will keep the base metal from corroding. This process is used in industries all across the globe and is instrumental in keeping all the metal substances working for industries. There are a couple of types of cathodic protection that are used in industries.
More about Cathodic Protection
The two types of cathodic protection are the impressed current protection and the galvanic protection, and customers should know the benefits and drawbacks of these methods. Galvanic protection offers a zinc coating to protect metal, as the zinc is the metal that will corrode instead of the metal it is protecting. The impressed current method uses anodes that are connected to a power source, which uses a more active metal than the base metal in order to protect the base. The drawbacks to this method is that it is costly and will require routine maintenance.
A Company That Provides Cathodic Protection
Industries that are interested in cathodic protection services will find restoration companies that offer the services in their area. Golf Construction is a restoration company that provides cathodic protection for customers in various industries who have a need to protect metal components. If a company is in need of Cathodic protection service in Chicago IL, the restoration company is available. Visit website domain for more information.