Three ways to deal with anxiety at the dentist.

by | Jan 15, 2020 | Dental Services

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Going to the dentist every six months is essential to maintaining a healthy mouth, but due to fear of the dentist, a lot of people refuse to go. If you feel sick, nervous, or terrified at the dentist, here are four easy steps you can take to make yourself feel better before you contact us.

Ask yourself, what am I scared of?

What makes you fear the dentist? Are you worried about them messing up in your mouth and you having to go back? Does the thought of experiencing pain bother you? Do you feel weak or vulnerable when you are in the dentist’s chair? Find out why you think this way, then tell yourself something positive. Example, if you are scared of pain, then tell yourself how much better you’ll feel after the filling.

Take slow deep breaths during the procedure

The way you breathe can make or break you. A lot of people breathe faster and harder when they are upset, so be sure to control your breathing. Closing your eyes during the procedure might help too.

Take someone with you

If you feel helpless and vulnerable in the dentist’s chair, have a friend go with you. If it makes you feel better, you can even squeeze their hand during the procedure.

Shoreview-dental is a dental care center in Salem, OR, that offers a variety of dental services such as root canals, fillings, implants, dentures, and much more at our humble dental care center in Salem, OR. Go ahead and contact us today and discover how we can help you and your family live a healthier, happier life.