What You Should Do If Your Child Has Their First Cavity in Broken Arrow, OK

by | Feb 6, 2020 | Dental Services

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Cavities currently operate as one of the biggest health conditions affecting children today. For many children, having a tooth cavity in Broken Arrow, OK, will likely take place at least once in their early years. If you think that your child might have a cavity, this article will show you how to deal with this issue.

Signs That Your Child Might Have a Cavity

White spots:

These spots might seem harmless to you. But to your dentist, they could act as signs of decay.

Teeth sensitivity:

If your child complains of sensitivity or pain, this could also act as a sign of decay.

If your child exhibits either or both of these signs, contact your dentist to treat the tooth cavity in Broken Arrow, OK. If the dentist catches the decay early, they can give your child fluoride treatments that can stop decay before it turns into a full-fledged cavity.

If Your Child’s Tooth Decay Has Progressed

Under these circumstances, your child might need to get a filling. Your dentist will talk to your child about what they can expect from the procedure. If your child is really young, you can help by telling them that their “tooth is sick” and that the dentist’s job is to make it better. Your dentist will also have methods for calming your child throughout the dental procedure.

The staff at Kid’s Dental works hard every day to provide world-class dental care to children and teens in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow area. For more information, visit their website. You can also connect them on Facebook.