Why Many Are Thrilled with an Innovative Hair Growth Treatment in Dallas

by | Dec 9, 2020 | Medical Facilities

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Both men and women can develop thinning and loss of hair for several reasons. Some individuals who notice hair loss early may have a family history of hair loss.

Others experience hair loss due to changes in their health when undergoing cancer treatments, from over-processing already vulnerable hair strands, and due to extreme dieting. Learn why so many sufferers of hair loss or thinning hair are thrilled with a revolutionary hair growth treatment in Dallas.

Hair Loss Is Unique in Every Person & Treatments Are Too

Hair loss can occur on the scalp or on other body areas including the face and eyelash area as well. Depending on the unique situation, clients at a premier and beautiful Med Spa in Dallas will get customized hair loss and hair growth treatments and procedures. This holistic type of care can work faster and more effectively since the team of hair loss specialists will be treating the root cause of the hair issues whenever possible.

New Treatments To Stimulate Natural Hair Growth Are Here

There are some incredibly effective newer treatments for hair loss and thinning that is designed to stimulate natural hair growth. Treatments may include various hair and scalp therapies, low-level laser therapy, PRP combined with ECM therapy, SMARTGRAFT™ FUE, and FUT. Clients may undergo eyelash and eyebrow transplant surgery, the transplant of facial hair as well as safe hair growth medications.

Where to Find Hair Growth Treatment in Dallas

Contact Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa for more information.