Healthcare organizations are subject to a variety of laws that are designed to keep both workers and patients safe. One of these laws is the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act. Originally passed in 2000, this act was designed to keep healthcare workers safe from bloodborne pathogens passed through accidental needlesticks.
What Type of Medical Devices Are Covered in the Act?
Although the name of the law is the Needlestick Safety Act, needles are not the only device that is covered under the act. Syringes, lancets and any other type of sharp device that can puncture your skin are covered in the law.
What Does the Law Require?
The act requires every healthcare setting that deals with sharps maintain an injury log. Additionally, healthcare workers who are not in managerial roles must be involved in evaluating medical devices that have the potential to penetrate your skin. The overall goal of the act is to create a working environment that chooses safer medical devices for healthcare workers.
What Preventative Steps Must Employers Use?
One of the most important aspects of the law is the preventative measures that are required. Employers must evaluate and provide control devices that are designed to prevent injuries from happening. Examples of these preventative devices include safety needles, sharps containers and removers for blades. The Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act requires continual updates to the exposure plans to make sure that the company is doing all it can to protect its employees.
Sharp Fluidics, LLC allows healthcare settings opportunities to comply with the Needlestick Safety Act and can be contacted.