Basic Information About the Zachor Holocaust Remembrance Foundation, An American Holocaust Foundation

by | Jan 14, 2022 | Education

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The Holocaust was one of the most devastating occurrences of the 20th Century. More than 6 million Jews were exterminated during that time, and groups like the Zachor Holocaust Remembrance Foundation are making sure the story stays relevant.

Origin of ZACHOR

ZACHOR was officially formed in 2009 but traces its origins back to 1995, when its founder Ben Lesser began speaking of his experiences in Nazi, Germany. Some thirteen years later, he would don a lapel pin with the Hebrew word for remember written on it. ZACHOR is that word, and Lesser would use the pin as a conversation piece. It was the first efforts of the group ZACHOR in fulfilling its mission

What is ZACHOR’s Primary Mission

ZACHOR means remember, and its primary mission is to make sure the Holocaust stays within the memories of current and future generations. The group firmly believes that ongoing efforts are necessary to keep the past and its lessons alive for the learning and shaping of future generations.

How Does ZACHOR Accomplish Its Mission

ZACHOR began its efforts through the distribution of pins like the one Lesser obtained in 2008. As of today, over 1 million pins have been handed out, which puts the group well on its way to meet its goal of 6 million pins, one pin for each of the Holocaust victims. ZACHOR also has educational materials and online curricula of courses on the Holocaust, written by Lesser himself.

For more information on the Holocaust and its history and survivors, contact the American Holocaust Foundation or ZACHOR at