Poor oral hygiene affects children as well as adults. The same things that can happen to teeth and gums in adults can happen to children when their oral hygiene is either neglected or the children refuse to brush. If you have a special needs child that is resistant to brushing teeth, you may also be struggling with your child’s oral health issues. A family dentist in Augusta, GA can help.
Planing and Deep Cleaning
There’s a good chance your child can’t and won’t sit through these procedures, but if the gum disease is bad enough, the dentist may prescribe sedatives and numbing agents. Once your child is very calm or asleep, planning begins. The dentist scrapes and scales away plaque buildup both below and above the gums to reduce infection. Then a really deep cleaning of the gum tissue takes place. It is very likely that your child will have pain afterward, but the pain does subside. Planing and deep cleaning removes the leading causes of gum disease in children who can’t or won’t brush.
Lasering for Destruction of Bacteria
Especially difficult cases of gum disease in children may require laser treatment. The laser kills the bacteria in the gums such that infections and inflammation subside, leaving your child with a much healthier mouth. However, not every insurance plan will cover laser treatment and certain requirements may have to be met before the family dentist in Augusta, GA can proceed.
If you are concerned about your child’s bleeding gums, contact Augusta Dental Arts in Augusta, GA via http://augustadentalarts.com/.