Are you frequently bombarded with expensive bills to pay and are wondering how you will ever afford a smartphone and the services required to stay connected? If so, then you are probably finding it difficult when it comes to sacrificing certain conveniences in order to obtain a much-needed phone for work. But, how or where do you start?
Basic Rights
Food, utility bills, and rent are definitely top priorities and can never be removed from your list of essentials. However, communication is also a basic right and critical in everyday life. The ability to communicate with family, emergency services, the authorities, and your employers is something that should also take precedence. You should not have to sacrifice your basic needs, but rather, be provided a means to gain access to communication capabilities at little to no cost to you.
Programs for Low-Income Households
Do you want to gain access to a branded mobile phone with unlimited text messaging, unlimited calling, and unlimited data services without the high costs involved? If so, then the Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity programs may be the solution you have been searching for. These programs, if you qualify, will help you obtain a free smartphone with services, allowing you to gain access to the basic right of communication.
How to Qualify
Eligibility requirements are based on two types of guidelines, income-based and program-based. You may be able to qualify for ACP and Lifeline phone services in Colorado if you meet the minimum requirements. How can you learn more about these programs? Visit SafetyNet Wireless at They can help answer your questions about obtaining a government phone through their website. So, to learn more and to apply for the ACP and Lifeline phone services in Colorado, the website is the only website you should be visiting today.