There are many things that we rely on in our home everyday and it has more to do with than simply a roof over our heads. Some things we take for granted but feel the pain when they are not working efficiently. For instance, did you know that your HVAC unit in your home works approximately 75% harder during the winter months than in the summer to keep the air comfortable in the home? Next, consider Hot Water Heaters in Charlotte, NC. One day without these working properly and you will have some miserable tenants or residents in the home.
While some of these bigger items in the home can be maintained by the resident on a routine basis, all of them need at least a yearly if not quarterly inspection by a professional such as those at All About the Pipes Plumbing Charlotte, NC. The amount of pressure that a hot water tank holds is enough to want to make a novice pay the professional fees to maintain their equipment in a normal functioning way. The PSI is the pounds per square inch that your water heater is able to hold and it can cause significant amount of damage to a home, not to mention lives, if handled improperly.
In an attempt to save money however, Hot Water Heaters in Charlotte, NC can undergo a simple three step process to determine how the unit is functioning. You can call this more of a tune up then a maintenance program. The maintenance program is still necessary by a professional company that has the tools and experience in a variety of water heaters and to ensure safety first.
The three steps for tuning any hot water heaters in Charlotte, NC is first to dial down the temperature. Next, test the temperature and pressure relief valve and lastly do a mini-flush of the tank. the temperature for this routine should be somewhere down between 115 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. You should hear a slight gurgling sound when the relief valve has been tested and the mini-flush will help remove any sediments that are at the bottom of the tank and need to be flushed out in order for the unit to work at its maximum potential.