Gear oil additives are made to enhance the gear oil performance and improve the gears’ overall longevity and efficiency. They do that by enhancing the existing properties in a base oil, suppressing undesired base oil properties, and introducing new beneficial properties. There are numerous types of additives, guaranteeing numerous benefits.
Increased lubrication
Wear prevention additives have lubricating agents that increase the oil’s ability to minimize friction plus wear between gear teeth. Extreme-pressure additives also serve the same purpose for high-pressure applications.
Improved load-carrying capacity
Some additives, like extreme pressure additives, create a protective coating on gear surfaces, allowing them to carry heavier loads without damage.
Better thermal stability
Heat is one of the most significant issues in gear systems. Extreme pressure additives have active sulfur, usually combined with phosphorous, to make the oil more thermally stable.
Oxidation inhibitors also help prevent a reaction between the oil and oxygen, meaning the oil can withstand high temperatures without experiencing oxidation or degradation.
Corrosion protection
Corrosion and rust inhibitors create a protective layer on the gear surfaces, preventing the formation of rust or corrosion and increasing the gear’s lifespan.
Minimal foam formation
Foam in the gear system could result in poor lubrication plus inadequate cooling, lowering the gear’s performance. Defoaming agents help eliminate foam bubbles that might form in the oil.
Cleanliness and compatibility
Detergents keep the hot gear components clean and neutralize acids forming in the oil. They are primarily used in alkaline or basic oils. When these oils burn, the metal compounds leave ash deposits, causing unwanted residue that lowers the gear’s performance.
Seal conditioning
Some gear oil additives help condition and maintain the seals’ integrity in the gear system. That reduces the chances of getting leaks and extends the seals’ lifespan.