If you are trying to decide whether to look for new cars or Used Cars in Tucson, you may want to read over this article for some excellent points to consider. The first thing you may want to think about when trying to make the new versus used car decision is your budget. Because the price difference in new and used cars is quite significant in most cases, you will want to decide about what your budget for this purchase is going to be well ahead of time. Once you decide what you can spend on the car in either a lump sum or in monthly payments, ask yourself if you have any “wiggle room.” Is this a firm number that you can spend on the car, and not a penny more? If so, a used car will probably fit your needs very well. In many cases a new car will cost thousands more (thousands that you can’t spend!) and the car is truly very similar.
The next thing you want to look at is exactly “how used” you are willing to work with. Used Cars in Tucson are not at all the old clunkers that they were decades ago. In fact, used cars today are often only a year or two old and will look so well cared for that you would mistake them for brand new if you didn’t know any better. If you are willing to get a car as much as five years old you can really get a fantastic deal on a vehicle that may have been very lightly used but is still in great working order.
Ask yourself how important a warranty is to you as well. Sometimes you can find a used Nissan car in Tucson that is still within the factory warranty period. If it is not under factory warranty you can often purchase an extended warranty on the used car that will give you warranty benefits very close to what you would get if you were purchasing the vehicle brand new. When you consider all these things, you can see that buying used really does make a lot of sense for many people today!