Since you are not going to get to live in it and you will not be paying much attention to what happens there on the day that you are “invited”; do you really have much right to be involved in the choice of a funeral home in Deland, FL for your “arrangements”. OK; it is “your funeral” as they say; but, what benefit do you personally get out of it? Let’s face; you may be the “guest of honor” at your funeral but you are certainly not going to be a very active participant in any of the ceremonies.
Your Funeral Is For The Benefit Of Others; Maybe They Should Choose The Venue?
Logically, this makes a lot of sense; but, that does not necessarily make it the best way to go. Your funeral provides a way for those who survive you to celebrate your life and remember the ways that it impacted on theirs. Assuming that many, if not all, of those attending your funeral will be drawn from the ranks of those that we like to describe as – “our nearest and dearest” – do we wish to add to their burden of grief by forcing them to make unexpected and rushed arrangements for your funeral? Maybe, it would be kinder on them if we had made arrangements well in advance of our demise?
Whoever Actually Does it
Unless the deceased is some sort of globetrotting celebrity; it is usual to hold funerals close by to where the deceased was living; so, if that was in or around Deland in Florida; that is where the ceremonies are likely to take place. However, there may be reasons (such as eligibility to be buried in special cemeteries) for the actual internment to be elsewhere. Likewise, the scattering of a deceased person’s ashes often takes place well away from the place of actual cremation.
With these in mind, the next thing that has to be decided is who is going to carry out the actual work – that is the funeral director, mortician or funeral home in Deland, FL? We should also remember that it all has to be paid for and, maybe we would rather spend on our grandkids’ college funds than splash out too much on our own funeral? In this respect, the choice of funeral home in Deland, FL may well hinge on which funeral plan arrangements they recognize.
For a suitably respectful funeral home in Deland, FL; you should consider the Baldauff Family Funeral Home and Crematory at Orange City.