Don’t Get Hot Under The Collar Over Your Heating Bills At Home In Knoxville, Tennessee

by | Apr 29, 2014 | Air Conditioning

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The temperature range in Knoxville is such that, in order to be comfortable at home; we all need some sort of summer cooling and some sort of winter heating. But; the HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) equipment that we use to achieve these ends; not only costs money to purchase; but can, also, have considerably high cost to run; plus ongoing inspection and maintenance bills. We don’t want our bodies to shiver or sweat; but, what about our bank balances?

The Equipment, Etc.

Whether starting from scratch in a new house; or upgrading existing heating (or cooling) facilities; always choose the energy efficient types; using less energy means lower running costs. In addition, running such equipment is also kinder to the environment. The initial outlay might be higher but you should quickly recoup the difference from lower running costs.

Even the best made equipment of the highest standard will be subject to wear over time. Sometimes, the wear, on its own, might not be all that serious. Take a leaking bearing seal, for example; as the lubricant leaks out, more load will be placed on the bearing which will eventually run dry and fail; this in turn can lead to damage to the fan that is blowing the hot (or cold) air throughout your home – causing a total shut down of your system; possibly around midnight on the coldest night of the year. Modest payments for regular inspection and preventative maintenance would probably have cost you less than the emergency call out repair work and definitely would avoided any inconvenience. You should also remember that regular attention will keep your equipment running at peak performance; as performance drops, due to wear and tear; so does the operating efficiency; which, in turn, leads to higher running costs.

Who Does All This Installation, Inspection & Maintenance Work?

HVAC is a recognized branch of engineering that is taught in colleges and students can gain recognized qualifications; which in many areas are required for obtaining a license to work as a heating and ventilating engineer. Today’s sophisticated systems should not be left in the hands of self taught amateurs or DIY enthusiasts. Work on heating and air conditioning in Knoxville, TN is best left to the professionals.
For the best and most efficient systems for heating and air conditioning in Knoxville, TN; you should contact Cantrell’s Heat & Air.