Why Round Table Pads are a Good Idea

by | Apr 29, 2014 | Home and Garden

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Homeowners spend a lot of time and money choosing the ideal dining room furniture. Once that beautifully styled round table is in place, there is the matter of making sure it remains in perfect condition as the years pass. This is where the purchase of high quality round table pads will make a real difference. Click here for more information.

Protect the Wood from Sunlight

Sunlight is great for making a dining room feel welcoming, but it can damage the table top over the years. This includes fading the finish of the wood. In order to protect the wood, it helps to keep a pad on the table. If desired, the pad can always be removed for special events.

Prevents Scratching

Another benefit of using a pad is that the table surface is protected from damage that results from day to day use. Over time, utensils, serving dishes, and other items can scratch the surface. Even when the finish is sealed, there is still the possibility of sustaining some scratches over time. A high quality pad prevents everything from touching the table top and keeps it in pristine condition.

No Rings from Hot Serving Dishes

While the pad is technically not designed to absorb heat, the best pads are heat resistant. What this means is that it the heat from a serving dish will not have the opportunity to damage the wood in any way. This will save a lot of time and money over the years, since there will be no need to periodically refinish the table top.

Noise Reduction

A nice side benefit of using a pad is that it helps to muffle noise. Many people don’t realize how much noise is created from silverware being placed on the table, or from serving dishes being moved around the surface. When a pad is in place underneath a tablecloth, all those little noises suddenly go away. That makes for a more peaceful setting for dinner.

Investing in a high quality pad from Superior Table Pad Co. Inc is not as expensive as many people think. This is especially true when the homeowner considers how much the pad saves over the years. Less damage to the table means there is no need to have it sanded and refinished, a task that can be both time consuming and expensive.