It can be a lot of work to keep up with and maintain a checking account. Monthly service fees can add up quickly and minimum balance requirements can leave you unable to spend your hard earned money without paying your bank a mountain in fees. If you need to deposit or Cash Check, you can do it without worrying about having a bank account. Don’t let large financial institutions take your money when you can use one of the following three sources to cash a check when you need money fast. While the following isn’t an inclusive list, it is the 3 most common ways that individuals have been able to conduct financial transactions without owning a personal bank account.
The Bank The Check Is Written On
The easiest, no hassle way to get access to a check is to Cash Check at the bank that it is written on. Look at the check itself and find out the name of the bank by looking in the left mid-section of the document. The institution’s name, phone number and address should be easy to identify. Simply present the check at any of their branches and you can get cash instantly.
Big Box Stores
If you have shopping to do, you may be able to cash the check by paying for your order with the check, and then getting any of the remaining balance back in the form of cash. Ask your store about their individual policy, and find out if they charge a fee for this service or have a limit on the amount of cash back you can receive from the remaining balance of a check.
Check Cashing Centers
If you don’t have a bank that will cash the check nearby, and need full access to all of the funds instantly, consider visiting a check cashing center. For a small fee, they will accept the check and give you cash on the spot. Most of them have convenient hours and are open on the weekends and on holidays. If you live in the Tulsa area, consider choosing American Check Cashers.
Whether you need to cash a government, payroll or personal check, they will hand over the cash without question. Visit their store today, and you can turn your cash into a money order for no additional fee. Make your financial transactions easy by getting your banking needs met at a check cashing center today.