How to Deal With Legal Fee Disputes

by | May 8, 2014 | Lawyer

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When we have to seek legal help, we trust the representation that we hire will be fair and ethical. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Many times law firms will inflate their fees to cover more than representation. They will pass on the overhead expenses of operating a law firm to their clients. Once the client receives the bill, they are surprised to see just how much their expenses are. This may then result in fee disputes. The dispute may be due to the fact that the client wasn’t presented with the details of how they would be billed or it could be that the client was simply overcharged. There are ways to dispute some of fees, so you shouldn’t reason that it is a hopeless case. There are also service providers that can assist you with an attorney fee dispute. However, before contacting such a service, there are some things you can do to try to resolve the matter.

What You Can Do to Resolve Fee Disputes

If you feel that you are being taken advantage of and overcharged for legal fees, the first thing you should do is find your legal agreement which outlines the fees associated with the services offered. You want to check to see if there was any services indicated on the final bill that were not discussed and if you were billed according to the agreement. After reviewing the bill, contact your attorney to discuss the matter. You can ask that they explain any expenses that you feel are unreasonable. Some will act as though they were unaware of some of the charges on the statement and have them removed. That is why it is a good idea to meet with them face to face. This holds them accountable. If they are a reputable attorney, they will likely try to work out a reasonable compromise. To some extent, you should be willing to compromise as well. It would be a good idea for you to have an amount in mind that you are comfortable with so that you can present that to your attorney, should they ask you if you have a fair amount in mind. Throughout your discussion, be respectful and polite. There is never a cause to become indignant, it does no one any good. You can simply escalate the matter if it isn’t resolved to your satisfaction.